Other common symptoms of trigger points include hip, back and neck pain. If you suffer from tension headaches or migraines, you may also be a good candidate for Trigger Point injection therapy. The time may vary depending on the injection chosen to treat the problem, but you should not feel pain or spasms from the trigger point for at least one month, which, in the case of an injury, will give your body time to heal. When trigger points form, they can cause headaches, stiff neck, shoulder pain, back pain, leg nerve irritation, and even tinnitus and temporomandibular joint pain.
Trigger point injection (TPI) is an outpatient procedure used to treat painful areas of the muscle that contain trigger points, or “muscle knots” that form when muscles don't relax. These trigger points are painful in and of themselves, but as they contract or contract, they can also keep other muscles out of place. We can then use this information to determine if trigger point injections are the best pain treatment for your individual circumstances. Sometimes, several trigger points are treated in a single visit if more than one is suspected of causing pain.
However, if other treatments, such as heat or cold therapy, over-the-counter pain relievers, physical therapy, and bed rest, don't work, your doctor may recommend injections at trigger points. Trigger points are bands of muscles that tie together, causing discomfort and pain in the region. If you have aches and pains that make your daily life difficult, you may find trigger-point injections useful. Being under emotional or mental stress can further aggravate trigger points if it causes certain muscles to tighten.
Trigger point injection therapy is used to relieve painful trigger points (painful areas of overactive muscle that get too tight and feel like “knots” or hard bumps when pressed). A trigger point injection may also be used to treat patients with fibromyalgia, tension headaches, and myofascial pain. The injection goes directly to the trigger point, helping to break the knot and relieve pain, providing relief and allowing injuries to heal. Justin Pierce offers trigger point injections for patients in Scottsdale, Arizona, who suffer from chronic pain.
This is called “referred pain” and occurs anywhere along the path of the multiple nerves associated with the trigger point.